The Rosary-Altar Society at St. John's, one of the parish’s oldest organizations, was founded Oct. 2, 1949. Its main objectives are to honor Mary by promoting the rosary and to maintain the altar at St. John's.
The Rosary-Altar Society meets on the first floor of The Jesus School on the second Monday of each month September through June at 7:00 p.m. Please consider joining us in September as we plan our agenda for the next year. Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Please join us as we say the Rosary at St. John's Church the first Saturday of each month at 4:30PM.
The Rosary Altar Society is grounded in devotion to Our Lady, the Society's primary purpose is to promote awareness of the Rosary as a most powerful way to:
Enter more fully into the life, ministry, Passion & glorification of her Divine Son
Honor Mary as the Mother in whose care Jesus has placed us
Strengthen our commitment to model our lives on those of Jesus and Mary
Offer solace & reparation to Jesus for the world’s offenses against Him
As Mary lovingly tended the Holy Family's home in Nazareth, members of our group also regularly undertake the cleaning and decoration of the altar and sanctuary at St. John the Evangelist, as well as the laundering of the altar linens.
The society combines prayer with service to the church. The receptions held after First Communion and Confirmation each year are prepared by members of the Rosary-Altar Society. In recent years, the group has paid to have candleholders and chalices in the church refinished, polished and lacquered, an expensive undertaking. The money for projects like these is raised by selling chances in the spring and by holding our annual soup and bake sale in the fall.