"Among the many signs and symbol used by the Church to celebrate its faith, music is of preeminent importance. As sacred song united to words it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy."
—From the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963
Early in the pastorate of Father Edward O'Neill, he realized that in order to fulfill the spirit of the liturgical reforms given to us by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, and in light of the statement by the American Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy entitled Music in Catholic Worship, certain changes were necessary in the worship life of the parish of St. John the Evangelist.
In January 1989, Father O'Neill and John-Michael Caprio director of music and gave him the responsibility of establishing a program of sacred music that would be in keeping with the principles of both the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and Music in Catholic Worship. John-Michael also had full-time responsibilities as executive director of the Commission on Church Music for the Archdiocese of New York and dean of the New York School of Liturgical Music.
Under his direction, parishioners at St. John's were enlisted and trained to serve in the role of cantor. Their responsibility was to lead the congregation in common sacred song and in responsorial singing. In addition to the development of the congregation's participation, the choir grew. The vested choir (an important symbol to the congregation of their liturgical role) developed a sense of ministry, thereby providing the parish on Sunday's feast and solemnities with music that was not only professional in quality but was spiritually and liturgically worthy of the celebration of the sacred liturgy.
After John-Michael left St. John's in 1991 to become director of music at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, Bradley Hull assumed the responsibilities of director of music for St. John's. In addition to his skills as a composer, liturgical musician and an exceptional organist, Bradley brought his general love of music and people together in his expansion and training of St. John's choir program.
Michael Stuempfle succeeded Bradley Hull as director of music at the time of Bradley's death in 1993.
Sook Hyun Kim served as the Organist and Director of Music at St. John the Evangelist Church, continuing the tradition set by her predecessors in providing traditional liturgical music at St. John's from 2009 - 2022.
In February of 2023, Dr. Michael Diorio was selected as the next Organist and Director of Music to serve the parish.